Singapore’s tropical climate makes air conditioning more than just a luxury — it’s a necessity. With sweltering temperatures and high humidity levels, your air conditioning unit becomes a survival tool, keeping you cool and comfortable. However, failing to maintain your aircon can result in reduced efficiency, higher energy bills, and even the need for costly repairs or premature replacement.

To keep your aircon running smoothly and your home refreshingly cool, we’ve gathered 12 essential maintenance tips recommended by experts in Singapore’s HVAC industry. These proactive measures can help extend the life of your unit and keep it performing at its peak, so you can sweat less about aircon problems and enjoy the cool air more.

1. Regular Cleaning of Air Filters

Air filters are the unsung heroes of your aircon; they prevent dust, dirt, and other airborne particles from circulating in your home. To maintain healthy indoor air quality and efficient cooling, experts recommend cleaning or replacing your filters every 1-2 months, especially during heavy usage. Clogged filters can impede airflow, forcing the system to work harder and potentially leading to breakdowns.

2. Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear

The outdoor component of your aircon, the condenser unit, can accumulate debris such as leaves, grass clippings, and dirt. Make sure to clear the area around the unit and keep it free from any obstructions. Good air circulation around the outdoor unit is crucial for optimal performance. It’s also a good idea to rinse the unit gently with a hose to remove any grime that has built up on the coil.

3. Inspect and Clean Coils

Over time, your aircon’s evaporator and condenser coils can collect dirt. This dirt reduces the coils’ ability to absorb heat, forcing the system to run longer to cool your home. You can use a soft brush to clean the evaporator coil, and for the condenser coil, which is housed in the outdoor unit, a professional cleaning may be necessary due to its exposure to more dirt and weather conditions.

4. Check and Straighten Coil Fins

The aluminum fins on evaporator and condenser coils are easily bent, which can block the airflow. To straighten the fins, use a fin comb, a tool designed for this purpose. Be gentle when doing this, as the fins are delicate and can break if mishandled. Proper airflow is necessary for the aircon to work efficiently.

5. Clean and Clear Condensate Drains

The condensate drain channels can get clogged with dirt and algae, causing water to back up into your home. This can lead to water damage, indoor humidification (which is ineffective for dehumidification), and impair the system’s ability to remove humidity. To clear the drain, pass a stiff wire through it or use a vacuum to clean it regularly.

6. Inspect the Seal Between the Window Frame and Aircon

For window units, a tight seal prevents warm air from entering your home and eases the strain on your aircon. Inspect the seal annually and reseal it with weatherstripping if you feel any drafts. This will keep your aircon from having to work harder to maintain the desired temperature inside your home.

7. Evaluate the Insulation on Coolant Lines

Refrigerant lines that run from the evaporator to the condenser are covered with foam insulation to prevent energy loss from temperature differential. Check the insulation regularly for tears or signs of wear and replace it as needed to ensure that the system operates efficiently.

8. Monitor Thermostat Accuracy

If your thermostat is not accurate, your aircon could be turning on unnecessarily or running too long, even when your home is already at the desired temperature. To check for accuracy, place a separate thermometer next to the thermostat and compare the readings. If there is a significant difference, you may need to recalibrate or replace the thermostat with the help of Cooling Hero services.

9. Schedule Professional Maintenance Annually

Even if you are diligent with DIY maintenance, it’s essential to have your aircon serviced by a professional at least once a year. An HVAC technician can conduct a thorough inspection, tighten electrical connections, lubricate moving parts, and check the system’s refrigerant levels, ensuring everything is in working order and addressing potential issues before they escalate.

10. Understand the Sounds and Smells of Your Aircon

Familiarize yourself with the typical sounds and smells of your aircon, so you can quickly identify any unusual or concerning changes. Uncommon odors can signify mold, while strange sounds can mean that parts of the unit are loose or in need of replacement. If you notice anything unusual, it’s time to call a technician.

11. Optimize Airflow in Your Home

Maximize the efficiency of your aircon by ensuring proper airflow throughout your home. Close doors to rooms not in use to direct the cool air to the areas where it’s needed. Make sure that nothing is blocking the supply and return vents, and if your system uses air filters, keep them clean to maintain proper airflow.

12. Efficient Usage Practices

Lastly, be mindful of how you use your aircon. Set your thermostat to the highest comfortable temperature, typically around 25-27 degrees Celsius, and use a programmable thermostat to adjust settings when you are away. This helps reduce the workload of the system and saves on energy costs. Additionally, closing blinds or using curtains can keep the sun from heating up your home and make your aircon’s job a little easier.

Adhering to these 12 aircon maintenance Singapore tips can greatly prolong the life of your unit and ensure that it operates efficiently when you need it most. Regular care for your air conditioning system is especially crucial in humid, hot climates like that of Singapore. By taking proactive steps and investing in professional maintenance, you can avoid the headache of aircon problems and enjoy a cool and comfortable living environment all year round. So, make sure to add aircon maintenance to your regular household tasks and reap the benefits in the long run. Keep cool!

However, if despite regular maintenance you still encounter issues with your aircon, it may be time to consider upgrading or replacing your unit. As technology advances, newer models are designed to be more energy-efficient and have improved cooling capabilities. Consult with a professional HVAC technician to determine the best course of action for your specific needs and budget. In addition, staying informed about energy-saving practices and advancements in air conditioning technology can help you make smart decisions when it comes to maintaining or upgrading your unit. Don’t hesitate to seek professional advice and stay cool all year long!

- A word from our sposor -


12 Aircon Maintenance Singapore Tips from Experts